Our Trustees

Pat McEvedy
Trust ChairmanI have a background in Water and Environmental Governance and am also a retired Selwyn District Councillor.
I have held and still hold Directorships on some companies and I am a Trustee on several charitable trusts providing housing and transport for the community.
I have an intensive arable farm with my Son and Wife growing a variety of seed crops.

Les Wanhalla
TrusteeKo Nuka Mania te maunga
Ko Orakaia te awa
Ko Te Waihora te hapua
Ko Te Taumutu te whenua
Ko Ngai Te Ruahikihiki te hapu
Ko Ngai Tahu te iwi
Ko Ngai Moki te marae
Ko Les Wanhalla toku ingoa
My passions: Rugby League, Whakapapa [ancestors, genealogy] , Archaeology [Matapuna], and cleaning up waterways.

Elle Archer
TrusteeDirector I Strategist I Innovator I Technologist I Educator I Speaker
Elle has been engaged in various business, industry, and community development initiatives for the past 24 years. Having been involved in science, geospatial technology, and sustainable solutions since 2006, she is now a recognised Senior Solutions Technologist.
She is currently the Managing Director of ELG (Purpose and Leadership Cultivation), sits on the Learning City Christchurch board, is part of the SMART Infrastructure collective, and is the President of the Industry Association Nulca NZ (Utilities Infrastructure).
Elle also works in and advocates for: Smart Cities Council (Smart Societies), Smart Industries Global, SMART Farming and ECO, Industry and Professional Pathway Development, STEM and Youth Empowerment Aotearoa – within NZ and Asia Pacific.

Rob Lawrence
TrusteeEmigrating from the USA in 1984, Rob has been active in a range of New Zealand businesses that include aquaculture, animal health, conservation/ecotourism, technology and innovation, local government, and business development. Rob joined the Canterbury Employers’ Chamber of Commerce in 2005 as a part of the Business Performance Team. He specialises in assisting companies with government R&D funding for technology development and as the Regional Technology Partner for Callaghan Innovation. He brings a professional and enthusiastic approach to engaging business with the support tools of government.
Rob has represented the Employer’s Chamber on the Canterbury Regional Energy Strategy Group, Ministry for the Environment Industry liaison, Canterbury Strategic Water Study as well as Business NZ Energy Forum and the Christchurch City Council working party on Sustainability and Climate Change. Rob is a director of Birding Tours New Zealand Ltd. Rob trustee on the SIFT Sustainable Initiatives Fund Trust for 8 years until it closed in operation in 2019 Rob recently retired from The Chamber and Callaghan Innovation.
He will be developing his photography skills and investigating other consulting options. He has been appointed to Central Plains Water Trust from Selwyn in 2020.

Murray Doak
TrusteeMurray joined the Central Plains Water Limited Trust in June 2024.
Murray has lived almost all his life in Selwyn. He studied agricultural science at Lincoln and joined the Ministry of Works on irrigation scheme planning in 1984. He ran an irrigated mixed cropping farm for seven seasons before rejoining Ministry for Primary Industries (then known as MAF) in 1996.
He has had experience in land management, water quality, irrigation and climate change policy, and now administers research and sustainable farming investment programmes for MPI.
He has a keen interest in community-led approaches to improving water outcomes.

Richard McDowell
TrusteeRichard joined the Central Plains Water Trust in June 2024.
Richard is a Principal Scientist at AgResearch, Professor at Lincoln University and fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand.
He has a strong interest in understanding land and water systems and deriving farming practices that cost-effectively improve environmental performance.
His work over the last 25 years has been developed and used by farmers, scientists and policy makers in New Zealand and overseas.